Monday, November 27, 2006

Starter Kit Received

This post is a bit behind but I've been busy!!! :) I received my starter kit last Monday, watched the DVDs, organized and played! I've been a bit pre-occupied with a new digital scrapping product website my friend Wendy and I have started so I haven't done alot of experimenting with SU product yet. Yesterday though I sat down and did a few things. The first framed piece uses the Natural Beauty set and the Beyond the Basics Backgrounds.
This framed piece uses a retired set that I got off Ebay called Heavenly Days 2001 and the Beyond the Basics Backgrounds set.
I made two post it note frames but bought the wrong post it notes! LOL These notes cascade like an accordian so they don't stay on the frame well! Oh well, I guess I'll have to go buy some more. This first one is just bordered with the Garden Annuals small wheel and the second one is done again with Natural Beauty set and the Beyond the Basics Backgrounds.
Now to make some more cards :)


Wendy aka BrokenJar Creations said...

Great items Marcie!! I love the post -it note holders.

sillyleann said...

How did I miss these? They are so cute! I love the idea!